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Embracing the likeness of a couturier’s life, the ethos embodies the lifestyle of custom yet manicured designs. The whole space is curated into three parts: working, private and entertainment space.

Photographed by THREEIMAGES

The design methodologies aims to explore the spatial aesthetics to its extreme. A mixture of variable elements, engulfing the combination of luxurious fabric and walnut, the amalgamation of shelled mosaic and stones, the pairing of subtle blue and warm pink orange which showcases a brand new luxurious space. It not only diffuses the stereotypical approach of luxury impression in the minds but also infuses a new fashion experience.

"Pankou" is an element inspiration from costume designing to grace the Chinese dining room. Manifestly, showcasing an artisan - like crystal chandelier portraying like a diamond necklace, at the stairway. In which, exemplifying the designer’s tongue-in- chic revolving luxury to the space.

The ready-to-wear room decorates upon a working area for the designer's assistant to work, a large work bench on which to tailor and modify dresses, and various procedures needed for making clothes.

The private living room accolade a combination of local traditional culture and western culture. Warm and Pink Orange is then applied to the master bedroom, as an essential color to build a welcoming and homelier cosmos for relaxation.

The basement is ornate in a more dynamic and lively style, with the remnants of the Great Gatsby style and elaboration of French luxury style, mutual flawlessly.

The conference room, cradles the notion of luxury and simplicity. The Tea Room is serene, with extraordinary art works of many local chinese artists in it. The fashion showroom is bursting with fun and visually engaging. This conveys the designer's tasteful selection and impeccable wealth, amidst many exhibits such as the 1950 Triumph vintage car.

The space that we curated was designed not simply for interior but also that of every aspect of the couturier including her work, life and pedagogies. What's more when it reflects the designer's own artistic articulation and design philosophy.

Fashion is not just a connotation which exists in clothing only. Fashion is also directed, with the way the designer lives or perceives especially in her living space. From material tactility/temperature, color pairings, furniture collections and art collaboration, it conveys the designer’s understanding of artistic aesthetic in his / her life, but also assimilating the evolution of Fashion Art.

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