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As-me ESTELLE Japan by Design & Creative Associates, Vietnam

Jewelry shop As-me ESTELLE decided to open a shop-in-shop in a newly-opening, large commercial establishment in Ho Chi Minh City.

Many renowned shops were to be located in this high-profile commercial establishment, attracting attention even before opening. How to attract people’s attention and draw them into the shop was an important challenge for this plan, surrounded by various shops.

Eliminating partitions on the façade, the shop front entirely opens up to the corridor. Heights of showcases and pendant lights were carefully chosen to allow a clear view from the entrance to the back.

By arranging showcases up against the lease line, passersby may stop and casually look at articles without entering the shop. Then they can walk inside while looking down the showcases, and walk around between the fixtures on both walls to look at articles.

At both ends of the façade, there are pillars of light – covered with figured glass in randomly-stacked square frames – to provide outstanding brightness among the other shops and highlight the shop, enhancing visibility from a distance.

The interior is basically ivory colored to add a soft impression.

For the wall decoration, two types of blocks – diagonally cut cuboid pieces forming a mountain and valley – were made and arranged alternately. A gold color was partially added to express jewel-like gorgeousness and gaiety.

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