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SiteGround Office Space by Cache Atelier - Madrid

The office space is located on the top floor of a historical building at the mere center of Madrid (Spain) at the roundabout of Plaza de la Independencia. It is consisted of a large workspace, meeting room, training room, personal office, relax area and playroom. Originally the space had great atmosphere with the exposed wooden and metal roof construction, brick walls and the great rooftop terrace overlooking Retiro park. It was a great challenge to integrate the playful and distinctive character SiteGround needed for their new office and yet preserve the old industrial look of the space.

Designed by Cache Atelier

We decided to introduce a rather antithetical detail with the floor without interfering the space too strong and stress on the walls and roof construction that were so typical for the space and deepen their presence. So we introduced a monochromatic pattern in the floor and painted all construction elements in vibrant green color. Colorful details in red and yellow were added with furniture finishing just to work up the playfulness typical for Siteground’s officespaces. Hand drawn illustration - bears driving a tandem bike ( bear is the symbol of Madrid)and real bicycles were added to spice up the space. Specially designed pieces of furniture were made with details borrowed from the popular board game Jenga just to appoint to SiteGround motto of offering hand made hosting and services.

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