Aug 2, 2018

Kaffeeform: Coffee cups made from used coffee

After having a cup of Cappuccino or Americano, have you ever thought about what happens to all the coffee grounds?

As the global coffee consumption is growing, can we make good use of the coffee grounds that are basically waste?

Product designer Julian Lechner awake at nights during his studies in Italy, and he did not let go of the thought of creating something completely new which can tackle the issue with intense coffee consumption.

After 3 years of experimenting with this fascinating raw material, discussions with experts and scientists and endless attempts, the new material Kaffeeform was born, a new formula to create complete new products out of old coffee.The first exemplary to demonstrate the potential of the new material is the form of the coffeecup – the first espresso cup was launched in 2015.

In 2016 the bigger Cappuccino cup was added to the Kaffeeform family. All Kaffeeform cups have the appearance of dark marblewood with smell of coffee. Kaffeeform cups are very light, and finally are dish washer friendly and can be used over and over again!

Kaffeeform creatively convert the waste to sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to products based on mineral oils, with the following features:

- Dishwasher friendly

- Lightweight

- Durable

- High isolation qualities

- Slight coffee scent

- Food safe

- Free of BPA

- Eco-friendly material composit

- Made for unlimited consumption

- Each cup looks unique

- Carbon neutral disposal / Biodegradable

Kaffeeform has just won the Red Dot product design award in 2018 for it’s innovative material and process. The coffee grounds are collected in local coffee shops in Berlin and then dried, packed and shipped in through a sheltering workshop – a collaboration that is constantly growing over time. Can you imagine what kind of product will be made by Kaffeeform?

Sources & Photos: Kaffeeform