Apr 4, 2018

Life is always my inspiration | Fancy Design

With the belief of "Design is not only the way of designing but also serving for people and life", Fancy Design gives us a short interview to share their philosophy in design.

1. Why did you get into Interior Design?

Interior design can both meet my own ideal and feed family at the same time.

2. How did you start up your career?

In my school days, I did part-time job for interior design. After graduation, in the year 1996 I became a designer formally.

3. Where does your inspiration come from?

Life is always my inspiration.

4. Can you tell us about a significant accomplishment or project that you regard as notable?

The 95598 Call Center of State Grid located in Xiamen.

5. Where would you like to see your company in 5 years from now?

A pioneering design company with strategic thinking.

6. What project(s) are you working on at the moment?

The National Confucius College.

7. How do you think an Interior Designer should dress?

Dress appropriately.

8. If you could design anything, what would it be?

Both buildings and household items.

9. What type of restaurant would you choose to go to for dinner?

Spaces with mental proposals.

10. Can you give us a statement about Design?

A design should have its own mental proposals.

11. If you could describe your designs related to food (in senses, i.e. spicy, bitter, sweet etc.) what would it be and why?

Life should be possessed with all tastes such as sour, sweet, bitter and spicy, so does design. Moreover, mental proposals and attitudes are also needed behind life.

12. What do you think of the design trends in the future?

I think design in the future can be divided into two parts, one for multiple-functional space with various of commercial mode, another one for the simple but concise spaces.

13. Who is your favourite Designer and why?

Pei Leoh Ming is my favourite designer.

14.In which country would you like to have your project in?

I haven’t thought about it.

15. What element of a design is the most important thing to you? I.e. colour, size, lighting. etc.

All of them are important, but I think they should listen to one’s mental orientation.

16.What is your favourite cocktail?

I prefer rice wine from my hometown.