Oct 18, 2017

Design to us, is a direct assessment of the impact on human life... | ​Danish Design Works

Danish Design Works is an architecture, interior and planning design consultancy firm based in Islamabad, Pakistan. The team grasps a good understanding of their clients needs and objectives paired with research of external factors. This inquisitive approach leads to original and dynamic results – creating timeless results that deliver on design excellence, sustainability and client value.

Q: Why did you get into Interior Design?

A: To be honest with you, I was always really good in drawing so I wanted to get into something which would allow me to still do that professionally but not rely on this one skill solely. So I joined Architecture which piqued my interest in the built habitat and gradually developed into a personal passion.

Q: How did you start up your career?

A: I started working at a local design practice in Islamabad but due to certain complications and a design objective mismatch, I quit after 3 months and then joined an international design firm operating out of the capital of Pakistan, Islamabad.

Q: Where does your inspiration come from?

A: It comes from a very self-centered belief to always deliver the best no matter whatever it is you’re doing and to leave behind a legacy once you’re no longer a part of this world.

Q: Can you tell us about a significant accomplishment or project that you regard as notable?

A: This was back when I was working for at a firm. We did a Nando’s project which was really definitive in terms of my personal understanding of the effects of materials and possibilities in design since they have quite a different approach to design using rustic and indigenous materials.

Q: Where would you like to see your company in 5 years from now?

A: Hopefully established as an international design firm with no time on our hands. The second part is already holding true.

Q: What project(s) are you working on at the moment?

A: 3 Full-service restaurant (FSR) hospitality projects,1 corporate office interior, 4 residential villa projects and a farmhouse residence project.

Q: How do you think an Interior Designer should dress?

A: Whatever you’re comfortable with. Having said that, a professional meeting may require you to dress differently to what was written earlier.

Q: If you could design anything, what would it be?

A: An iconic high rise building

Q: What type of restaurant would you choose to go to for dinner?

A: Nothing fancy, as long as the food’s good and the environment is decent.

Q: Can you give us a statement about Design

A: Design to us, is a direct assessment of the impact on human life in terms of the synthesis and interpretation of culture, identity, personality, context combined with the practicality of spaces while maintaining the user as the ultimate beneficiary of the end process/ experience.

Q: If you could describe your designs related to food, what would it be and why?

A: Very subtle spicy experience as our design is conceptualised on a whole with the initial impression playing a strong role in determining the overall visuals of any given project.

Q: What do you think of the design trends in the future?

A: Smaller built areas with multipurpose/ flexible spaces with greater dependency on natural resources.

Q: Who is your favourite Designer and why?

A: Hard to single out just one, but Tadao Ando, Frank Lloyd Wright, Habib Fida Ali and Arshad Shahid Abdulla are people in the profession that I look up to.

Q: In which country would you like to have your project in?

A: Norway

Q: What element of a design is the most important thing to you?

A: Proportion and scale

Q: What is your favourite cocktail?

A: Sex on the beach, but I don’t drink often so Green tea should be it for now