May 17, 2017

Inspired by Travelling, Novels, Movies and Songs | Egue y Seta

Photographer by Jose Luis de Aires

Felipe Araujo, Designer and Founder of Egue y Seta gives us an insight on a few projects that they are working on "in the oven" and his thoughts on where his inspiration comes from.

Q: Why did you get into Interior Design?

A: I did three years of architecture and then thought I liked better graphic design. When I was about to finish that I realized i was missing something. I wanted to go 3d again, create spaces with / from this graphic background and not the other way around. Environmental graphics (signage / branding, wayfinding) were an introduction, but that quickly evolved into the whole of scope of interior design.

Q: How did you start up your career?

A: My first design related job was doing flash animation of oil extraction procedures in the Venezuelan state owned oil company. Though it may not sound like fun, it really was. After coming to Spain to do masters degrees both in public spaces and private realm design I briefly worked for an interior design studio and soon after set up my own firm with my current design partner Daniel who I met back at ELISAVA school of design.

Q: Where does your inspiration come from?

A: Hard to say! Each one has its own source(s) and none is better than the other. What’s really important is to have one. Personally, It is difficult for me to draw something remotely similar to inspiration from. There are digital platforms, more or less social, entirely designed to organize andshare inspiration (pinterest, houzz,, etc). We use them.

Q: Can you tell us about a significant accomplishment or project that you regard as notable?

A: We have of course our favourite projects, or those that we won’t forget but we like to think that we regard as our most important project at given time, precisely the one we have on our screen or over our desk table ... always! As if we could forget it! But if we must get nostalgic, I think we always remember the first project (in our case that first promotional stand), or the first one of each: the first house, the first store and the first restaurant but also the first that made it to the press or the first that really went wrong.

Q: Where would you like to see your company in 5 years from now?

A: Same place. Same people. Plus maybe a few more. Not that many. Not that many more clients either, and not necessarily greater or bigger projects. Maybe different projects from everything we´ve done in the past. Yes! Different is always good. Having more projects abroad. Having the chance to get to see places one wouldn’t necessarily choose as holiday destination due to work. But being able to travel for pleasure too and being able to be home with our loved ones. Having big studio parties in Christmas.

Q: What project(s) are you working on at the moment?

A: We have several home renovations “in the oven”, a couple of ephemeral promotional stands, two permanent, a shop, participations in courses and lectures as speakers or teachers, and Dani is always ready to make it on the TV. We are especially looking forward to completing a reform and adaptation project for a public institution in Barcelona dedicated to training children and adults at risk of social exclusion. With them we have jointly made a very cool project, and now for its execution, we are trying to get collaborations and funds from field related companies interested in "giving back" a little to the community, and also to share the experience through a documentary.

Q: How do you think an Interior Designer should dress?

A: As he/she pleases! But one should dress. Naturism is ok, but no so much for work. Also nudity can be look really odd if you are anyway forced to wear security vests, helmets and boots in the building site.

Q: If you could design anything, what would it be?

A: Something designers are not frequently asked to design. Don’t know for sure, but a funerary chapel sounds interesting for a start.

Q: What type of restaurant would you choose to go to for dinner?

A: Hopefully something different each week. Variety is essential. Why should you choose just one when there are so many superb cuisines and restaurants.

Q: Can you give us a statement about Design.

A: No, we are biased; also designers are not meant be good with words. Design should be silent. We are usually more satisfied when clients / public smile upon our work than when they “state” with words why they like it.

Q: If you could describe your designs related to food, what would it be and why?

A: Spicy if client is Mexican, Bitter/sweet if Asian, pink if girly, and rough if he fits the all male prototype. Just joking! But this is to say we think our designs should describe our clients not ourselves as designers. We do not think of ourselves as artists.

Q: What do you think of the design trends in the future?

A: That one should take trends into consideration but never let them totally determine the overall look of one´s designs. Above all, designers should always try to defy trends: It’s the only way of coming up with the next one!

Q: Who is your favourite Designer and why?

A: As with restaurants… so many so good! Why choose just one?. Mothers in general are great designers of their own homes. They manage to come up with flexible, always evolving, within budget spaces that manage to host every event in family life for generations. All this with virtually no technical or specific knowledge. Aren’t they great?

Q: In which country would you like to have your project in?

A: Where do you need us to go? We’re up for it!

Q: What element of a design is the most important thing to you?

A: Size matters, or so they say. But isn't everything… It’s a mixture of it all. To us, again, is all about the client and the overall, very important, never to be forgotten or underestimated “concept” that manages to best translate client’s needs into a space.

Q: What is your favourite cocktail?

A: No more cocktails for me, please!… Good old cold blond beer! Cheers!